About Us

We not only offer transactional funding for real estate wholesalers, but we also actively invest in real estate ourselves. We understand the needs of a real estate wholesaler, and we can provide you with the capital that you need to close deals quickly.

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Who we are

As a top transactional funding company, we empower real estate wholesalers with the financial support they need to succeed in their business.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower real estate wholesalers with the resources they need to thrive in this competitive industry. We cater to both new and seasoned wholesalers, ensuring that they have the funds necessary to confidently seal their deals. With our efficient Double Close Funding service, you can swiftly obtain the cash you require, enabling you to swiftly pursue your next lucrative opportunity. Count on us to equip you with the tools for success in the ever-evolving world of real estate wholesaling.

Our Values

As real estate investors ourselves, it is our utmost priority to be the ideal partners you would want to collaborate with. We strive to establish a mutual working relationship that reflects the type of partnership we desire in our own investments.

Our History

Even from our early days, in 2010, we strived to build lasting relationships with our customers through trust & respect. Mauris egestas magna at magna semper, eu ornare nulla cursus.

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Our Team

Our team of experienced professionals has years of expertise in software engineering, design, development, and customer support.

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Brandon Rodriguez

Full-Stack Developer

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Emily Cooper

Full-Stack Developer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar.

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Michael Davis

Full-Stack Developer

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Samantha Lee

Full-Stack Developer

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William Thompson

Full-Stack Developer

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Ashley Williams

Full-Stack Developer

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Ready to get your real estate wholesale deal funded?

We can provide the transactional funding you need with no upfront fees!

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